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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 5 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, 2L and O

ALLEGROallegro n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played in a quick, lively tempo, faster than…
allegro n. (Music, more, traditionally) An expressive mark indicating that a passage is to be played in a lively…
allegro n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
ALLONGEallonge n. (Law, banking) A slip of paper attached to a negotiable instrument to hold endorsements should the document…
allonge n. (Fencing) A thrust or pass; a lunge.
allonge v. To thrust with a sword; to lunge.
COLLAGEcollage n. A picture made by sticking other pictures onto a surface.
collage n. A composite object or collection (abstract or concrete) created by the assemblage of various media;…
collage n. (Uncountable) The technique of producing a work of art of this kind.
GALLEONgalleon n. A large, three masted, square rigged sailing ship with at least two decks.
GALLEON n. a sailing vessel of the 15th and following centuries, often having three or four decks, and used for war or commerce.
TOLLAGEtollage n. Payment of a toll.
tollage n. The amount or quantity paid as a toll.
TOLLAGE n. payment of toll; also, the amount or quantity paid as toll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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