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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, I and 2S

AEGISESaegises n. Plural of aegis.
ægises n. Plural of ægis.
AEGIS n. (Greek) protection, patronage, also EGIS.
AGEISMSageisms n. Plural of ageism.
AGEISM n. discrimination based on age, also AGISM.
AGEISTSageists n. Plural of ageist.
AGEIST n. an advocate of ageisms.
AGNISESagnises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of agnise.
AGNISE v. to acknowledge, also AGNIZE.
AGRISESagrises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of agrise.
AGRISE v. to terrify, also AGRIZE, AGRYZE.
AGUISESaguises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aguise.
AGUISE v. (Spenser) to adorn, also AGUIZE.
ALGESISALGESIS n. the sensation of pain.
ASSEGAIassegai n. A slim hardwood spear or javelin with an iron tip, especially those used by Bantu peoples of Southern Africa.
assegai n. The tree species Curtisia dentata, the wood of which is traditionally used to make assegais.
assegai v. To spear with an assegai.
ASSIEGEassiege n. (Obsolete) A siege.
assiege v. (Transitive) To besiege.
ASSIEGE v. (Spenser) to besiege.
EASINGSeasings n. Plural of easing.
EASING n. the act of freeing from pain or trouble.
GASSIERgassier adj. Comparative form of gassy: more gassy.
GASSY adj. containing gas.
GEISHASgeishas n. Plural of geisha.
GEISHA n. (Japanese) a Japanese girl trained to entertain.
GLASSIEGLASSIE n. a type of playing marble.
LIGASESligases n. Plural of ligase.
Ligases prop.n. Plural of Ligas.
LIGASE n. an enzyme which seals nicks in one strand of a duplex DNA.
SAGIESTsagiest adj. Superlative form of sagey: most sagey.
sagiest adj. Superlative form of sagy: most sagy.
SAGY adj. flavoured with sage.
SEASINGseasing v. Present participle of sease.
SEASE v. (Spenser) to seize, also SEAZE.
SILAGESsilages n. Plural of silage.
SILAGE v. to harvest and store a crop.
VISAGESvisages n. Plural of visage.
VISAGE n. the face of facial expression of a person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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