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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, I, M and N

AMENINGamening v. Present participle of amen.
AMEN v. to conclude prayerfully.
BEAMINGbeaming adj. Smilingly happy; showing happy emotion.
beaming v. Present participle of beam.
beaming n. The act of someone or something that beams.
ENIGMASenigmas n. Plural of enigma.
ENIGMA n. (Greek) something that is difficult to understand.
GAMINESgamines n. Plural of gamine.
GAMINE n. (French) a homeless girl, a (female) urchin.
GEMINALgeminal adj. (Chemistry) Describing identical atoms or groups attached to the same atom in a molecule.
GEMINAL adj. having two matching substituted groups on the same atom.
GERMAINgermain adj. Obsolete form of germane.
Germain prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
GERMAIN n. (Shakespeare) a germ, shoot, also GERMAINE, GERMEN, GERMIN.
GERMINAgermina n. Plural of germen.
GERMEN n. something that serves as an origin, also GERMAIN, GERMAINE, GERMIN.
IMAGINEimagine v. (Transitive) To form a mental image of something; to envision or create something in one’s mind.
imagine v. (Transitive) To believe in something created by one’s own mind.
imagine v. (Transitive) to assume.
LEAMINGleaming v. Present participle of leam.
Leaming prop.n. A surname.
LEAM v. (archaic) to gleam, glow, also LEME.
MANGIERmangier adj. Comparative form of mangy: more mangy.
MANGEY adj. affected with mange, also MANGY.
MEALINGmealing v. Present participle of meal.
Mealing prop.n. A surname.
MEAL v. to cover with meal.
MEANINGmeaning n. (Of words, expressions or symbols).
meaning n. The purpose, value, or significance (of something) beyond the fact of that thing’s existence.
meaning n. (Of a person’s actions) Intention.
MEARINGmearing n. (Ireland) A boundary between pieces of land.
MEARE v. (Spenser) to divide, mark off, also MEER, MERE.
MEASINGMEASE v. (Scots) to make less severe, mitigate.
MINTAGEmintage n. The process of minting coins.
mintage n. The batch of coins minted at one time.
mintage n. Coins collectively; specie.
PIGMEANpigmean adj. Alternative form of pygmean.
REAMINGreaming v. Present participle of ream.
reaming n. The act or process of something being reamed.
REAM v. to enlarge the bore of with a reamer.
SEAMINGseaming v. Present participle of seam.
seaming n. The act or process of forming a seam or joint.
seaming n. (Fishing) The cord or rope at the margin of a seine, to which the meshes of the net are attached.
TEAMINGteaming v. Present participle of team.
teaming n. An instance of teamwork.
TEAMING n. the act of driving a team.
TEGMINAtegmina n. Plural of tegmen.
TEGMEN n. (Latin) the inner covering of a seed, also TEGUMEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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