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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, E, G, H, I and N

GAHNITEgahnite n. (Mineralogy) A rare mineral ZnAl2O4 in the spinel group.
GAHNITE n. (Swedish) a mineral, zinc spinel.
GENIZAHgenizah n. (Jewish law) A depository where sacred Hebrew books or other sacred items that by Jewish law cannot…
GENIZAH n. (Hebrew) a room in a synagogue.
HEADINGheading v. Present participle of head.
heading n. The title or topic of a document, article, chapter, or of a section thereof.
heading n. (Nautical) The direction into which a seagoing or airborne vessel’s bow is pointing (apparent heading)…
HEALINGhealing n. The process where the cells in the body regenerate and repair themselves.
healing n. An act of healing, as by a faith healer.
healing n. The psychological process of dealing with a problem or problems.
HEAPINGheaping v. Present participle of heap.
heaping adj. (Especially US, Canada) Containing a heap (of something). (Compare heaped.)
HEAP v. to pile up.
HEARINGhearing adj. Able to hear, as opposed to deaf.
hearing n. (Uncountable) The sense used to perceive sound.
hearing n. (Countable) The act by which something is heard.
HEATINGheating n. A system that raises the temperature of a room or building. Compare heater.
heating n. The act of making something hot.
heating adj. Causing heat.
HEAVINGheaving v. Present participle of heave.
heaving adj. (Informal) Crowded with people.
heaving n. An occasion on which something heaves or is heaved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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