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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, E, F, I and 2N

FAINNESFAINNE n. (Irish) a ring-shaped badge worn to show support for the Irish language.
FANNIEDFANNY v. (vulgar) as in to fanny about, to procrastinate.
FANNIESfannies n. Plural of fanny.
Fannies prop.n. Teenage Fanclub (Scottish rock band).
FANNY v. (vulgar) as in to fanny about, to procrastinate.
FANZINEfanzine n. A magazine, normally produced by amateurs, intended for people who share a common interest.
FANZINE n. a magazine for fans.
FENINGAfeninga n. Plural of fening.
FENING n. a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also FENNING.
FINANCEfinance n. The management of money and other assets.
finance n. The science of management of money and other assets.
finance n. (Usually in the plural) Monetary resources, especially those of a public entity or a company.
FLANNIEflannie n. (Australia, slang) A button-down collared shirt made of flannelette.
FLANNIE n. (Australian) a shirt made of flannel or flannelette, also FLANNY.
INFANTEinfante n. (Historical) Any son of the king of Spain or Portugal, except the eldest or heir apparent.
Infante prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
INFANTE n. (historical) a title borne by every one of sons of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest or heir apparent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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