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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, E, F, I, L and T

FATLIKEfatlike adj. Resembling fat (the chemical substance) or some aspect of it.
FATLIKE adj. resembling fat.
FETIALSfetials n. Plural of fetial.
FETIAL n. (Latin) a priest of ancient Rome, also FECIAL, FETIALIS.
FILIATEfiliate v. (Transitive) To adopt as son or daughter.
filiate v. (Transitive) To establish filiation between.
FILIATE v. to bring into close association.
FLATTIEflattie n. Alternative form of flatty.
flattie n. (Informal) A flat white (type of coffee).
flattie n. (South Africa) A flat marinated cut of meat.
FLEAPITfleapit n. Alternative spelling of flea pit.
flea␣pit n. (Colloquial) A dilapidated building, stereotypically hosting a low-grade cinema.
FLEAPIT n. (slang) a low-class cinema.
FOLIATEfoliate adj. Of or relating to leaves.
foliate adj. Shaped like a leaf.
foliate adj. (Geology) foliated.
INFLATEinflate v. (Transitive) To enlarge an object by pushing air (or a gas) into it; to raise or expand abnormally.
inflate v. (Intransitive) To enlarge by filling with air (or a gas).
inflate v. (Figurative) To swell; to puff up.
SEALIFTsealift v. (Military) To transport by sea.
sealift n. (Military) transportation by sea.
SEALIFT v. to transport (military personnel and equipment) by ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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