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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, E, F, I, L and N

FANLIKEfanlike adj. Resembling a fan (hand-held cooling device).
FANLIKE adj. resembling a fan.
FEALINGfealing v. Present participle of feal.
FEAL v. to conceal.
FEMINALfeminal adj. Of or pertaining to women, femininity or feminism.
FEMINAL adj. of a man, thinking like a woman.
FINABLEfinable adj. Punishable by a fine.
FINABLE adj. subject to the payment of a fine, also FINEABLE.
FINAGLEfinagle v. (Transitive) To obtain, arrange, or achieve by indirect, complicated and/or intensive efforts.
finagle v. (Transitive) To obtain, arrange, or achieve by deceitful methods, by trickery.
finagle v. (Transitive, intransitive) To cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods. (often with "out of"…
FINALESfinales n. Plural of finale.
FINALE n. (Italian) a termination of something.
FLANNIEflannie n. (Australia, slang) A button-down collared shirt made of flannelette.
FLANNIE n. (Australian) a shirt made of flannel or flannelette, also FLANNY.
FLAVINEflavine n. Alternative spelling of flavin.
FLAVINE n. a yellow dye made from the bark of the dyer's oak, also FLAVIN.
INFLAMEinflame v. (Transitive) To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn, flame, or glow.
inflame v. (Transitive, figuratively) To kindle or intensify (a feeling, as passion or appetite); to excite to…
inflame v. (Transitive) To provoke (a person) to anger or rage; to exasperate; to irritate; to incense; to enrage.
INFLATEinflate v. (Transitive) To enlarge an object by pushing air (or a gas) into it; to raise or expand abnormally.
inflate v. (Intransitive) To enlarge by filling with air (or a gas).
inflate v. (Figurative) To swell; to puff up.
INFULAEinfulae n. Plural of infula.
INFULA n. (Latin) a headband used during Roman rites.
LEAFINGleafing v. Present participle of leaf.
leafing n. The act of one who leafs through something.
LEAF v. to turn pages rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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