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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, 2E, I, N and T

ARENITEarenite n. Any sedimentary rock with a grain size in the sand range on the Wentworth scale.
ARENITE n. a rock made up chiefly of sandy grains.
BETAINEbetaine n. (Uncountable, organic chemistry) A sweet, crystalline compound (not an alkaloid), trimethylammoniumacetate…
betaine n. (Countable, organic chemistry) Any derivative of this compound.
betaine n. (Countable, organic chemistry, by extension) Any similar compound, based on sulfur or phosphorus etc…
ETAMINEetamine n. A soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh.
ETAMINE n. (French) a loosely woven open-mesh cotton or worsted fabric, also ETAMIN.
ETESIANetesian adj. Pertaining to a dry north wind which blows in the eastern Mediterranean.
etesian n. A dry north wind which blows in the eastern Mediterranean.
ETESIAN n. a NW wind that recurs annually in the summer in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.
KETAINEKETAINE adj. (Canadian) in poor taste, unfashionable.
LINEATElineate adj. (Zoology) Marked with lines.
lineate adj. (Botany) Marked longitudinally with depressed parallel lines.
LINEATE adj. marked with lines, also LINEATED.
MATINEEmatinee n. A showing of a movie, sporting event, or theatrical performance in the morning or afternoon.
matinee n. (Dated) A woman’s dress to be worn in the morning or before dinner.
matinee v. (Transitive, intransitive) To put on a matinee performance (of).
NAIVETEnaivete n. Alternative spelling of naïveté.
naiveté n. Alternative spelling of naïveté.
naïvete n. Rare spelling of naïveté.
RETINAEretinae n. Plural of retina.
retinæ n. (Obsolete) plural of retina.
RETINA n. (Latin) a membrane of the eye.
TAENIAEtaeniae n. Plural of taenia.
tæniæ n. Plural of tænia.
TAENIA n. (Latin) a narrow band or hair-ribbon worn in Greece, also TENIA.
TAENITEtaenite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral, found in certain meteorites, that is a magnetic alloy of iron and nickel.
TAENITE n. a nickel-iron alloy found in meteorites.
TRAINEEtrainee n. Someone who is still in the process of being formally trained in a workplace.
trainee n. A juvenile inmate being trained and (re)educated in a reformatory school.
TRAINEE n. one who receives training.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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