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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, 2E, I, L and R

ALIENERaliener n. Alternative form of alienor.
ALIENER n. one that transfers property.
ATELIERatelier n. A studio or workshop, especially for an artist, designer, or fashion house.
ATELIER n. (French) an artist's studio.
EARLIERearlier adj. Comparative form of early: more early.
earlier adj. Occurring previously.
earlier adv. Comparative form of early: more early.
EARLIESearlies n. Potatoes that are harvested before the main crop.
earlies n. (Informal) Early shifts, in a job with a shift rotation.
EARLY n. an early potato.
EARLIKEearlike adj. Resembling an ear (body part).
EARLIKE adj. like an ear.
EMAILERemailer n. One who, or that which, sends an email.
e-mailer n. Alternative spelling of emailer.
EMAILER n. one who sends electronic messages via computer.
FILAREEfilaree n. Any plant of the species Erodium.
FILAREE n. (Spanish) a Californian weed, aka pin grass or alfilaria.
LEADIERLEADY adj. resembling lead.
LEAFIERleafier adj. Comparative form of leafy: more leafy.
LEAFY adj. abounding in leaves, also LEAVY.
LEAKIERleakier adj. Comparative form of leaky: more leaky.
LEAKY adj. inclined to leak.
LEARIERlearier adj. Comparative form of leary: more leary.
LEARY adj. cunning, wary, also LEERY.
LEAVIERLEAVY adj. full of leaves, also LEAFY.
MEALIERmealier adj. Comparative form of mealy: more mealy.
MEALY adj. covered with meal.
REALISErealise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of realize.
REALISE v. to accomplish, also REALIZE.
REALIZErealize v. (Formal, transitive) To make real; to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into reality; to bring…
realize v. (Transitive) To become aware of (a fact or situation, especially of something that has been true for a long time).
realize v. (Transitive) To cause to seem real to other people.
REALLIEREALLIE v. (Spenser) to rally, form again, also RALLY, RALLYE.
REALTIEREALTIE n. (Milton) sincerity, honesty.
VEALIERVEALY adj. resembling veal or a calf; (figurative) characterized by youthful immaturity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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