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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, 2E, G, N and T

AGENTEDagented adj. Having an agent.
AGENT v. to act for another with authority.
CENTAGEcentage n. Rate by the hundred; percentage.
CENTAGE n. rate by the hundred.
ELEGANTelegant adj. Characterised by or exhibiting elegance.
elegant adj. Characterised by minimalism and intuitiveness while preserving exactness and precision.
elegant adj. (Ireland, colloquial, archaic) Fine; doing well.
ENDGATEendgate n. (US) tailboard.
ENDGATE n. (US) a tailboard.
FANTEEGfanteeg n. Eye dialect spelling of fantigue.
FANTEEG n. (slang) anxiety, agitation, also FANTIGUE.
GATEMENgatemen n. Plural of gateman.
GATEMAN n. a person in charge of a gate.
GRANTEEgrantee n. The person to whom something is granted.
GRANTEE n. one to whom something is granted.
GREATENgreaten v. (Intransitive) To become great or large; increase; dilate.
greaten v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To become great with child; become pregnant.
greaten v. (Transitive) To make great; magnify; enlarge; increase.
NEGATEDnegated v. Simple past tense and past participle of negate.
NEGATE v. to nullify.
NEGATERnegater n. Alternative form of negator.
NEGATER n. one that negates, also NEGATOR.
NEGATESnegates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of negate.
NEGATE v. to nullify.
REAGENTreagent n. (Chemistry) A compound or mixture of compounds used to treat or test materials, samples, other compounds…
reägent n. Rare spelling of reagent.
REAGENT n. a substance with a characteristic reaction, also REAGENCY.
SANGEETsangeet n. (India) A gathering for the purpose of singing songs.
SANGEET n. (Hindi) a kind of pre-wedding party in a Hindi or Sikh marriage.
TEENAGEteenage adj. Of or relating to an age between thirteen and nineteen years old.
teenage n. (Obsolete, chiefly Kent dialect) Brushwood for fences and hedges.
teen-age adj. Dated form of teenage.
TENTAGEtentage n. Accommodation in the form of a tent.
TENTAGE n. a supply of tents.
THENAGETHENAGE n. the district in which a thane anciently had jurisdiction, also THANAGE, THANEDOM, THANEHOOD, THANESHIP.
TUNEAGEtuneage n. (Slang) music.
TUNEAGE n. (a piece of) recorded music that one likes.
VENTAGEventage n. (Countable) A puff of air coming through a hole in a wind instrument.
ventage n. Venting (the act by which something is vented).
VENTAGE n. (Shakespeare) a fingerhole, as in a flute, also VENTIGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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