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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, D, I, P, R and S

ASPIREDaspired v. Simple past tense and past participle of aspire.
ASPIRE v. to aim for higher things.
CAPRIDScaprids n. Plural of caprid.
CAPRID n. a member of the goat family.
DESPAIRdespair v. (Transitive, obsolete) To give up as beyond hope or expectation; to despair of.
despair v. (Transitive) To cause to despair.
despair v. (Intransitive, often with “of”) To be hopeless; to have no hope; to give up all hope or expectation.
DIAPERSdiapers n. Plural of diaper.
diapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of diaper.
DIAPER v. to put a nappy on.
DIAPIRSdiapirs n. Plural of diapir.
DIAPIR n. an anticlinal fold in which the overlying rock has been pierced by material from beneath.
DISPARKdispark v. (Archaic, transitive) To open (A private enclosure, park, etc.) to the public.
DISPARK v. (archaic) to make no longer a park.
DISPARTdispart v. (Transitive, now rare) To part, separate.
dispart v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To divide, divide up, distribute.
dispart n. The difference between the thickness of the metal at the mouth and at the breech of a piece of ordnance.
DISPRADDISPRED v. (Spenser) to spread out, also DISPREAD.
PRAISEDpraised v. Simple past tense and past participle of praise.
PRAISE v. to express admiration or approval of.
SAPIDERSAPID adj. pleasantly flavoured.
SPARIDSsparids n. Plural of sparid.
SPARID n. any of a family of marine fishes, also SPAROID.
SPAROIDsparoid adj. Of or pertaining to the family, Sparidae, of deep-bodied, spinous-finned marine fish, including the…
sparoid n. Any fish of the family Sparidae.
SPAROID n. any of a family of marine fishes, also SPARID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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