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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, D, I, N, R and U

CANDIRUcandiru n. A small parasitic fish, Vandellia cirrhosa, native to the Amazon river, rumored to swim up male urethras.
candirú n. Alternative form of candiru.
CANDIRU n. a tiny S American fish which can swim into a body orifice, where it attaches itself by means of a spine and feeds on blood and body tissue.
DAURINGDAUR v. (Scots) to venture boldly, also DARE, DARRE.
DIURNALdiurnal adj. Happening or occurring during daylight, or primarily active during that time.
diurnal adj. (Botany) Said of a flower open, or releasing its perfume during daylight hours, but not at night.
diurnal adj. Having a daily cycle that is completed every 24 hours, usually referring to tasks, processes, tides…
DURIANSdurians n. Plural of durian.
DURIAN n. (Malay) a tree of the bombax family, widely grown in tropical Asia; its spinous fruit, also DURION.
IRACUNDiracund adj. (Rare) Angry; irritable.
IRACUND adj. easily angered.
SUNDARIsundari n. (Music) A double-reed wind instrument with seven to nine holes, related to the shehnai.
SUNDARI n. (Sanskrit) an East Indian tree, also SUNDRA, SUNDRI.
TRIDUANtriduan adj. Lasting three days.
triduan adj. Happening every third day.
triduan n. An event lasting three days.
UNAIREDunaired adj. Not aired.
UNAIRED adj. not aired.
UNBRAIDunbraid v. To disentangle the strands of a braid.
UNBRAID v. to separate the strands of.
UNITARDunitard n. A skin-tight garment covering the torso and the legs, sometimes the arms and feet.
UNITARD n. a leotard that also covers the legs.
URANIDEuranide n. (Chemistry) Any of the transuranium elements immediately following uranium in the periodic table.
URANIDE n. a radioactive element, also URANIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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