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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, D, I, L, P and S

ALIPEDSalipeds n. Plural of aliped.
ALIPED n. an animal with winged feet.
APSIDALapsidal adj. Of, or, pertaining to, the apsides.
APSIDAL adj. of an apse or apsis.
DISPLAYdisplay n. A show or spectacle.
display n. A piece of work to be presented visually.
display n. A device, furniture or marketing-oriented bulk packaging for visual presentation for sales promotion.
ELAPIDSelapids n. Plural of elapid.
ELAPID n. a kind of snake, including cobras, krait, taipan etc.
KLIPDASklipdas n. A small mammal (Hyrax capensis), found in South Africa, that closely resembles the daman.
KLIPDAS n. (South African) the Cape hyrax, an African mammal, like a woodchuck but more closely related to ungulates.
LAIPSEDLAIPSE v. (dialect) to defeat thoroughly.
LAPIDESLAPIS n. (Latin) a stone, as in set phrases such as 'lapis philosophicus', philosopher's stone.
PAIDLESPAIDLE n. (Scots) a fish, aka lumpsucker, also PADLE.
PALSIEDpalsied adj. Afflicted with palsy.
palsied adj. Trembling as if afflicted with palsy.
palsied v. Simple past tense and past participle of palsy.
PLASMIDplasmid n. (Cytology) A loop of double-stranded DNA that is separate from and replicates independently of the chromosomes…
PLASMID n. a hereditary structure of a cell.
PLASTIDplastid n. (Cytology) Any of various organelles found in the cells of plants and algae, often concerned with photosynthesis.
PLASTID n. a structure in plant cells.
PLEIADSpleiads n. Plural of pleiad.
Pleiads n. (Astronomy) plural of Pleiad.
PLEIAD n. (Greek) a group of seven illustrious persons.
SALPIDSsalpids n. Plural of salpid.
SALPID n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPIAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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