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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, C, N, O, R and T

CANTORScantors n. Plural of cantor.
Cantors prop.n. Plural of Cantor.
CANTOR n. (Latin) a singer; esp. the leader of a church choir.
CAROTINcarotin n. (Organic chemistry) A red crystallizable tasteless substance extracted from the carrot.
CAROTIN n. any of a number of reddish-yellow pigments widely distributed in plants that are converted to vitamin A in the body, also CAROTENE, CARROTIN.
CARTONScartons n. Plural of carton.
cartons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carton.
CARTON v. to pack in a cardboard box.
CARTOONcartoon n. (Comics) A humorous drawing, often with a caption, or a strip of such drawings.
cartoon n. (Comics) A drawing satirising current public figures.
cartoon n. (Art) An artist’s preliminary sketch.
CHANTORchantor n. Alternative form of chanter.
CHANTOR n. one who chants, also CHANTER.
CONTRAScontras n. Plural of contra.
Contras n. Plural of Contra.
CONTRA n. (Latin) a Nicaraguan revolutionary.
CONTRATCONTRAT n. (French) a contract, an agreement.
CORANTOcoranto n. A fast-paced dance which originated in France.
coranto n. (Historical) An early informational broadsheet, bringing together news and philosophical discussion.
CORANTO n. (Italian) a rapid and lively dance.
CORTINAcortina n. (Mycology) A cobweb-like annulus on certain types of mushroom.
Cortina n. A British family car from around the 1960s to 1970s.
Cortina prop.n. Short for Cortina d’Ampezzo, northern Italy.
COURANTcourant n. A piece of music in triple time.
courant n. A lively dance; a coranto.
courant n. A circulating gazette of news; a newspaper.
CRATONScratons n. Plural of craton.
CRATON n. (Greek) a large, relatively stable section of earth's crust, forming the basis of a continent or ocean.
ENACTORenactor n. One who enacts.
ENACTOR n. one who enacts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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