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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, C, I, R, T and U

CURTAILcurtail v. (Transitive, obsolete) To cut short the tail of an animal.
curtail v. (Transitive) To shorten or abridge the duration of something; to truncate.
curtail v. (Transitive, figuratively) To limit or restrict, keep in check.
CURTAINcurtain n. A piece of cloth covering a window, bed, etc. to offer privacy and keep out light.
curtain n. A similar piece of cloth that separates the audience and the stage in a theater.
curtain n. (Theater, by extension) The beginning of a show; the moment the curtain rises.
DATURICDATURIC adj. relating to datura.
HAIRCUThaircut n. The act of cutting of the hair, often done professionally by a barber, hair stylist, or beautician.
haircut n. The style into which the hair is cut.
haircut n. (Law) In a bankruptcy proceeding, the proportional reduction in the debt that will be paid to each creditor…
QUARTICquartic adj. (Mathematics) of or relating to the fourth degree.
quartic n. (Mathematics) An algebraic equation or function of the fourth degree.
quartic n. (Mathematics) A curve describing such an equation or function.
RAUCITYraucity n. Harshness of sound; rough utterance; hoarseness.
RAUCITY n. harshness of sound; rough utterance.
TRUCIALtrucial adj. Of or pertaining to a truce; specifically, to the truce obtaining between Britain and various Arab sheikdoms…
Trucial adj. (Historical) Pertaining to the Trucial States.
Trucial adj. (Historical) Pertaining to the Trucial Coast.
TURACINturacin n. (Organic chemistry) A red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou.
TURACIN n. a red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou.
URTICASURTICA n. (Latin) any plant of the nettle genus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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