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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, C, I, O, P and T

APHOTICaphotic adj. Having no light, especially no sunlight; specifically (biology, oceanography) describing that part of…
APHOTIC adj. lightless, esp. as designating that part of the ocean not reached by sunlight.
APOMICTapomict n. (Botany, zoology) Any apomictic plant or organism.
APOMICT n. an organism reproducing by, or formed by, apomixis, nonsexual reproduction from an unfertilized ovum.
APRICOTapricot n. A round sweet and juicy stone fruit, resembling peach or plum in taste, with a yellow-orange flesh…
apricot n. The apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca.
apricot n. (Color) A pale yellow-orange colour, like that of an apricot fruit.
APROTICaprotic adj. (Chemistry, especially of a solvent) That does not contain (or cannot donate) a hydrogen ion (proton).
APROTIC adj. of a solvent, incapable of acting as a proton donor.
APTOTICaptotic adj. (Grammar, linguistics, now rare) Uninflected.
aptotic adj. (Biology, rare) Misspelling of apoptotic.
APTOTIC adj. grammatically uninflected.
CAPITOLcapitol n. (US) Any building or complex of buildings in which a legislature meets.
capitol n. (Historical) Alternative form of Capitol, the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Ancient Rome.
capitol n. (Historical) Alternative form of capitoul, the former chief magistrates of Toulouse, France.
CAPTIONcaption n. (Typography) The descriptive heading or title, of a document or part thereof.
caption n. A title or brief explanation attached to an illustration, cartoon, user interface element, etc.
caption n. (Cinematography, television) A piece of text appearing on screen as a subtitle or other part of a film…
COALPITcoalpit n. A pit where coal is extracted.
coalpit n. (US) A place where charcoal is made.
COALPIT n. a pit from which coal is obtained.
COPITAScopitas n. Plural of copita.
COPITA n. (Spanish) a tulip-shaped sherry glass.
ECTOPIAectopia n. (Pathology) The condition where an organ or other body part has an abnormal position.
ECTOPIA n. abnormal displacement of body parts, also ECTOPY.
OPACITYopacity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being opaque, not allowing light to pass through.
opacity n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being inaccessible to understanding.
opacity n. (Optics, countable) A measure of relative impenetrability to electromagnetic radiation such as light.
OPTICALoptical adj. Of, or relating to sight; visual.
optical adj. Designed to assist or enhance sight.
optical adj. Of, or relating to optics.
PACTIONpaction n. A pact, an agreement.
paction v. To form a pact; to make a binding agreement.
PACTION v. to agree, make a pact.
PAROTICparotic adj. (Anatomy) On the side of the auditory capsule; near the external ear.
PAROTIC adj. situated near the ear, also PAROTID, PAROTIS.
PATRICOpatrico n. (Slang, obsolete, thieves’ cant) A gypsies’ or beggars’ hedge priest.
PATRICO n. (slang) a hedge-priest, also PATERCOVE.
POTAMICpotamic adj. Of or relating to rivers.
POTAMIC adj. (Greek) of or relating to rivers.
PSOATICpsoatic adj. Relating to the psoas.
PSOATIC adj. relating to the psoas, the loin muscle.
TAPIOCAtapioca n. A starchy food made from the cassava plant, used in puddings.
tapioca n. The cassava plant, Manihot esculenta, from which tapioca is derived; manioc.
TAPIOCA n. (Tupi) a starchy food made by heating cassava.
TOPICALtopical adj. Relating to a particular topic or subject.
topical adj. Relating to a topic or subject of current interest.
topical adj. Local to a particular place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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