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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, C, I, N, T and U

ANICUTSanicuts n. Plural of anicut.
ANICUT n. (Tamil) a dam or mole made in the course of a stream for the purpose of regulating the flow of a system of irrigation, also ANNICUT.
ANNICUTannicut n. Alternative form of anicut.
ANNICUT n. (Tamil) a dam or mole made in the course of a stream for the purpose of regulating the flow of a system of irrigation, also ANICUT.
AUCTIONauction n. A public event where goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
auction n. (Bridge) The first stage of a deal, in which players bid to determine the final contract.
auction v. To sell at an auction.
CAUTIONcaution n. Prudence when faced with, or when expecting to face, danger; care taken in order to avoid risk or harm.
caution n. A careful attention to the probable effects of an act, in order that failure or harm may be avoided.
caution n. Security; guaranty; bail.
CURTAINcurtain n. A piece of cloth covering a window, bed, etc. to offer privacy and keep out light.
curtain n. A similar piece of cloth that separates the audience and the stage in a theater.
curtain n. (Theater, by extension) The beginning of a show; the moment the curtain rises.
LUNATIClunatic n. An insane person.
lunatic adj. Crazed, mad, insane, demented.
LUNATIC adj. affected with lunacy, also LUNATICAL.
NAUTICSnautics n. The art of sailing; navigation.
NAUTICS n. the art or science of sailing.
QUANTICquantic n. (Mathematics) A homogeneous polynomial in two or more variables.
QUANTIC n. a kind of mathematical function.
TUNICAEtunicae n. Plural of tunica.
TUNICA n. (Latin) an enclosing membrane or layer of tissue.
TURACINturacin n. (Organic chemistry) A red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou.
TURACIN n. a red or crimson pigment obtained from certain feathers of several species of turacou.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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