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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, C, I, L, P and S

APICALSapicals n. Plural of apical.
APICAL n. a sound articulated with the tip of the tongue.
CALIPHScaliphs n. Plural of caliph.
Caliphs n. Plural of Caliph.
CALIPH n. (Arabic) an Eastern ruler, also CALIF, KALIF, KALIPH, KHALIF.
CAPLINScaplins n. Plural of caplin.
CAPLIN n. (French) a small marine fish of northern oceans, also CAPELIN, CAPELAN.
INCLASPinclasp v. Archaic form of enclasp.
INCLASP v. to embrace, also ENCLASP.
PLACITSplacits n. Plural of placit.
PLACIT n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACITUM, PLACET.
PLAICESplaices n. Plural of plaice.
PLAICE n. a European flatfish.
PLASMICplasmic adj. Of or pertaining to plasma.
PLASMIC adj. of or like a plasma, an ionized gas containing electrons and free positive ions, also PLASMATIC, PLASMATICAL.
PLASTICplastic n. A synthetic, solid, hydrocarbon-based polymer, whether thermoplastic or thermosetting.
plastic n. (Colloquial, metonymically) Credit or debit cards used in place of cash to buy goods and services.
plastic n. (Figurative, slang) insincerity; fakeness, or a person who is fake or arrogant, or believes that they…
PSALMICpsalmic adj. Of or pertaining to psalms or psalmody.
PSALMIC adj. pertaining to a psalm.
SPACIALspacial adj. Alternative spelling of spatial.
SPACIAL adj. pertaining to space, also SPATIAL.
SPECIALspecial adj. Distinguished by a unique or unusual quality.
special adj. Of particular personal interest or value; dear; beloved.
special adj. (Euphemistic) Of or related to disabilities, especially learning or intellectual disabilities.
SPICULAspicula n. Plural of spiculum.
spicula n. A little spike; a spikelet or spiculum.
spicula n. A pointed fleshy appendage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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