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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, C, G, I, N and T

ACTINGSactings n. Plural of acting.
ACTING n. the occupation of an actor.
AGNATICagnatic adj. Of the male bloodline; patrilineal.
AGNATIC adj. pertaining to descent by the male line of ancestors, also AGNATICAL.
CANTINGcanting v. Present participle of cant.
canting adj. That cants or preaches in a false manner.
canting n. Alternative form of tjanting.
CARTINGcarting v. Present participle of cart.
carting n. The transporting of someone in a cart through the streets as part of a public punishment or humiliation.
CART v. to convey in a two wheeled vehicle.
CASTINGcasting v. Present participle of cast.
casting n. The act or process of selecting actors, singers, dancers, models, etc.
casting n. A manufacturing process using a mold.
CATLINGcatling n. (Archaic) A little cat; a kitten.
catling n. Catgut; a catgut string.
catling n. (Surgery) A double-edged, sharp-pointed dismembering knife.
CATTINGcatting v. Present participle of cat.
CAT v. to vomit.
COATINGcoating n. A thin outer layer.
coating n. (Archaic) Cloth for making coats.
coating n. (Law enforcement slang) A telling-off; a reprimand.
COTINGAcotinga n. Any of the neotropical passerine birds of the family Cotingidae.
Cotinga prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cotingidae.
COTINGA n. (Tupi) a tropical bird with bright plumage.
CRATINGcrating v. Present participle of crate.
CRATE v. to put in a packing box.
GNATHICgnathic adj. Of or pertaining to the jaw.
GNATHIC adj. of or pertaining to the jaw, also GNATHAL.
TACKINGtacking v. Present participle of tack.
tacking n. (Sewing) Loose temporary stitches in dressmaking etc.
tacking n. (Nautical) The act of changing tack.
TALCINGtalcing v. Present participle of talc.
TALC v. to treat with a fine powdery mineral.
TRACINGtracing n. The reproduction of an image made by copying it through translucent paper.
tracing n. A record in the form of a graph made by a device such as a seismograph.
tracing n. The process of finding something that is lost by studying evidence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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