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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, S and 2T

ACUTESTacutest adj. Superlative form of acute: most acute.
ACUTE adj. sharply pointed.
CANTESTCANT adj. affectedly moral or religious.
CASETTEcasette n. Dated form of cassette.
CASETTE n. a small case containing magnetic tape, also CASSETTE.
CATTIEScatties n. Plural of cattie.
catties n. Plural of catty.
CATTIE n. (Malay) a unit of measure used in S.E. Asia, also KATI, KATTI.
COSTATEcostate adj. Having ribs, or the appearance of ribs.
costate adj. (Botany) Having one or more longitudinal ribs.
costate n. (International law) A state in alliance with another state.
METCASTMETCAST n. a weather forecast.
SCATTEDscatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of scat.
SCAT v. to scare away, also SCATT, SKAT.
SCATTERscatter v. (Ergative) To (cause to) separate and go in different directions; to disperse.
scatter v. (Transitive) To distribute loosely as by sprinkling.
scatter v. (Transitive, physics) To deflect (radiation or particles).
SCEATTSsceatts n. Plural of sceatt.
SCEATT n. (Old English) a small silver or gold coin of Anglo-Saxon times, also SCEAT.
SCUTATEscutate adj. Shaped like a shield or buckler.
scutate adj. Of, pertaining to or covered with scutes.
SCUTATE adj. shaped like a shield.
STACKETstacket n. (Scotland, military) A stockade.
STACKET n. (Scots) a stockade.
STACTESSTACTE n. a sweet-smelling spice, liquid myrrh, used in incense by the ancient Hebrews.
STATICEstatice n. Plants of the genus Limonium having spikes of white or mauve flowers.
Statice prop.n. (Obsolete) Former name for the taxonomic genus Limonium, but also with species now in other genera.
STATICE n. (Latin) the flower sea lavender.
TACKETStackets n. Plural of tacket.
TACKET n. (Scots) a small, broad-headed nail, a hobnail.
TESTACYtestacy n. (Law) The condition of being testate, of having left a valid will at one’s death.
TESTACY n. the state of being testate.
TIETACSTIETAC n. a tie clip, also TIETACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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