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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, L, R and U

AURICLEauricle n. (Biology) Any appendage in the shape of an ear or earlobe.
auricle n. (Anatomy) Synonym of atrium.
AURICLE n. the outer projecting part of the ear; an upper cavity of the heart.
CAERULECAERULE adj. (Spenser) sky-blue, also CERULE, CERULEAN.
CAREFULcareful adj. Taking care; attentive to potential danger, error or harm; cautious.
careful adj. Conscientious and painstaking; meticulous.
careful adj. (Obsolete) Full of care or grief; sorrowful, sad.
CAULDERCaulder prop.n. A surname.
CAULD adj. (Scots) cold.
CAULKERcaulker n. A person who caulks various structures (as ships) and certain types of piping.
caulker n. A tool used for caulking ships; a caulking iron.
caulker n. (Slang, archaic) An alcoholic drink; a dram.
CESURALcesural adj. Alternative form of caesural.
CESURAL adj. of a breathing space in a line of verse.
CLAQUERclaquer n. Alternative form of claqueur.
CLAQUER n. a member of a claque, also CLAQUEUR.
CURABLEcurable adj. Capable of being cured.
CURABLE adj. able to be cured.
LACQUERlacquer n. A glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating; either a natural exudation of certain trees…
lacquer n. A similar finish, baked onto the inside of cans.
lacquer v. To apply a lacquer to something or to give something a smooth, glossy finish.
LUCARNElucarne n. (Architecture) A dormer-window.
LUCARNE n. (French) a dormer window.
NUCLEARnuclear adj. Pertaining to the nucleus of an atom.
nuclear adj. Involving energy released by nuclear reactions (fission, fusion, radioactive decay).
nuclear adj. Relating to a weapon that derives its force from rapid release of energy through nuclear reactions.
RAUCLERRAUCLE adj. (Scots) rough, vigorous.
RECUSALrecusal n. An act of recusing; removing oneself from a decision/judgment because of a conflict of interest.
RECUSAL n. a disqualification of oneself as a judge.
SECULARsecular adj. Not specifically religious; lay or civil, as opposed to clerical.
secular adj. Temporal; worldly, or otherwise not based on something timeless.
secular adj. (Christianity) Not bound by the vows of a monastic order.
UNCLEARunclear adj. Ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation.
unclear adj. Not clearly or explicitly defined.
unclear adj. Not easy to see or read; indecipherable or unreadable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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