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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, I, P and R

CALIPERcaliper n. (Usually plural only) Uncommon form of calipers.
caliper n. (Automotive) The part of a disc brake that holds the brake pads.
caliper v. (Transitive) To use calipers to measure the size of.
CAMPIERcampier adj. Comparative form of campy: more campy.
CAMPY adj. comically exaggerated.
CAPRICEcaprice n. An impulsive, seemingly unmotivated action, change of mind, or notion.
caprice n. A brief romance.
caprice n. An unpredictable or sudden condition, change, or series of changes.
CAPRINEcaprine adj. Of or relating to goats.
caprine adj. Goatlike.
caprine n. Any of certain caprids (including sheep) that are regarded as being similar to the goat; any member…
CHARPIEcharpie n. (Medicine, now historical) Straight threads obtained by unraveling old linen cloth, used for surgical dressings.
CHARPIE n. (French) shredded lint used to dress wounds.
CRAPIERcrapier adj. Comparative form of crapy: more crapy.
crapier adj. Comparative form of crapey: more crapey.
CRAPY adj. like crape.
CRAPPIEcrappie n. A member of either of two species of North American sunfish of the genus Pomoxis. Both are silvery-white…
CRAPPIE n. a kind of fish, a member of the sunfish family, also CROPPIE.
EARPICKearpick n. An instrument for removing earwax from the ear.
EARPICK n. an instrument for removing wax from the ear.
EPACRIDepacrid n. Any of the family Ericaceae (syn. Epacridaceae) of heathers.
EPACRID n. an Australian plant resembling heath, also EPACRIS.
EPACRISepacris n. (Botany) Any of the genus Epacris of shrubs.
EPACRIS n. an Australian plant resembling heath, also EPACRID.
EPICARPepicarp n. (Botany) Exocarp.
EPICARP n. the outermost layer of a fruit.
PARETICparetic adj. Pertaining to paresis.
paretic n. A person who has paresis.
PARETIC n. one affected with paresis.
PERACIDperacid n. (Chemistry) Any acid that contains a peroxy group - e.g. peracetic acid.
peracid n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyacid of a particular element that has the largest number of oxygen atoms…
PERACID n. a type of acid.
PICRATEpicrate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of picric acid.
PICRATE n. a chemical salt.
REPLICAreplica n. An exact copy.
replica n. A copy made at a smaller scale than the original.
REPLICA n. a copy or reproduction.
SCRAPIEscrapie n. A degenerative prion disease of sheep and goats that attacks the central nervous system.
SCRAPIE n. a disease of sheep.
SPACIERspacier adj. Comparative form of spacy: more spacy.
SPACY adj. weird in behaviour, also SPACEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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