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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, I, N and O

ACINOSEacinose adj. Consisting of acini, or minute granular concretions.
ACINOSE adj. relating to a saclike division of a gland, also ACINAR, ACINIC, ACINOUS.
ACONITEaconite n. The herb wolfsbane, or monkshood; any plant of the genus Aconitum, all the species of which are poisonous.
aconite n. (Toxicology) An extract or tincture obtained from Aconitum napellus, used as a poison and medicinally.
ACONITE n. a poisonous herb, the monkshood or wolfsbane plant, also ACONITUM.
ANOETICanoetic adj. Of or relating to anoesis.
anoetic adj. (Rare) unthinkable; incapable of being thought.
ANOETIC adj. of or pertaining to anoesis, consciousness with sensation but without thought.
APNOEICapnoeic adj. Alternative spelling of apneic.
apnœic adj. Obsolete spelling of apneic.
APNOEIC adj. relating to apnoea, suspension of breathing esp. in sleep, also APNEAL, APNEIC, APNOEAL.
COCAINEcocaine n. (Uncountable, pharmacology) An addictive drug derived from coca (Erythroxylum) or prepared synthetically…
cocaine n. (Countable) Any derivative of cocaine.
cocaïne n. Obsolete spelling of cocaine.
CODEINACODEINA n. a narcotic alkaloid, also CODEIA, CODEIN, CODEINE.
COINAGEcoinage n. The process of coining money.
coinage n. (Uncountable) Coins taken collectively; currency.
coinage n. (Uncountable, lexicography) The creation of new words, neologizing.
ENCOMIAencomia n. Plural of encomium (“praise”).
ENCOMIUM n. (Greek) an address of praise, also ENCOMION.
OCEANICoceanic adj. Of or relating to the ocean.
oceanic adj. Living in, produced by, or frequenting the ocean.
oceanic adj. Resembling an ocean in vastness or extent.
OCEANIDOceanid n. (Greek mythology) Any of the sea nymphs, daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.
OCEANID n. (Greek) an ocean nymph.
PAEONICpaeonic adj. (Poetry) Of or relating to paeons.
PAEONIC n. a foot of four syllables, one long and three short, also PAEON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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