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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, H and 2T

ATTACHEattache n. Alternative form of attaché.
attaché n. A diplomatic officer, usually one who plays a specific role.
ATTACHE n. (French) a junior member of an ambassador's staff.
CATHECTcathect v. (Transitive, psychology) To focus one’s emotional energies on someone or something.
CATHECT v. to invest with psychic energy.
CHATTEDchatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of chat.
CHAT v. to talk informally.
CHATTELchattel n. Tangible, movable property.
chattel n. A slave.
CHATTEL n. any kind of property which is not freehold.
CHATTERchatter n. Talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk.
chatter n. The sound of talking.
chatter n. The vocalisations of a Eurasian magpie, Pica pica.
ETCHANTetchant n. An acid or corrosive chemical used in etching.
ETCHANT n. an acid used in etching.
HATCHEThatchet n. A small, light axe with a short handle; a tomahawk.
hatchet v. (Transitive) To cut with a hatchet.
HATCHET n. a small axe for use in one hand.
LATCHETlatchet n. A small lever action crossbow with the cocking lever built into the top of the stock and a top mounted trigger.
latchet n. (Obsolete) A thong or cord, especially one used to fasten a shoe.
latchet n. A small latch, as for a gate.
MATCHETmatchet n. Machete.
MATCHET n. a large heavy knife, also MACHETE.
RATCHETratchet n. A pawl, click, or detent for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc.
ratchet n. A mechanism composed of a ratchet wheel, or ratch and pawl.
ratchet n. A ratchet wrench.
TEUCHATteuchat n. Alternative form of tewit.
TEUCHAT n. (Scots) a shore bird, also TEWHIT, TEWIT.
THECATEthecate adj. (Biology) Having a theca, or outer sheath.
THECATE adj. having a theca, an envelope of hormonally active cells enclosing a tertiary (vesicular) or a mature (Graafian) ovarian follicle.
WATCHETwatchet n. (Obsolete) A light blue color.
watchet n. (Obsolete) Cloth or clothes of this color.
watchet adj. (Obsolete) Of the color watchet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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