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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 7 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, H, L and P

ACALEPHacaleph n. (Dated) A member of the former Acalephae group, now a part of the Cnidaria phylum.
ACALEPH n. (Greek) any cnidarian (jellyfish), also ACALEPHAN, ACALEPHE.
CHAPELSchapels n. Plural of chapel.
Chapels prop.n. Plural of Chapel.
CHAPEL n. a place of Christian worship in a larger building, esp. a place set apart, with a separate altar, in a church or cathedral.
CHAPLETchaplet n. A garland or circlet for the head.
chaplet n. A headdress in the form of a wreath made of leaves, flowers or twigs woven into a ring.
chaplet n. (Archaic) A string (of beads), especially when making up five decades of the rosary.
CHEAPLYcheaply adv. In a cheap manner; without expending much money.
cheaply adv. (Cricket, by extension) For a low score.
CHEAP adv. inexpensive.
EPOCHALepochal adj. Of or pertaining to an epoch.
epochal adj. (Figurative) Highly important or significant; monumental, epoch-making.
EPOCHAL adj. belonging to an epoch; of the nature of an epoch.
PELLACHPELLACH n. (Scots) a porpoise, also PELLOCK, PELLACK.
PLANCHEplanche n. (Gymnastics) A position where the gymnast is horizontal and face-down, using only the hands as support.
PLANCHE n. a plank, a board, also PLANCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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