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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, H, I and N

ACHENIAachenia n. Plural of achenium.
ACHENIUM n. a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed, also ACHAENIUM, ACHENE, AKENE.
ARCHINEarchine n. Alternative form of arshin.
ARCHINE n. (Turkish) an old Russian unit of length, also ARSHEEN, ARSHIN, ARSHINE.
CHAINEDchained v. Simple past tense and past participle of chain.
chained adj. Bound with chains.
chained adj. (Computing, of data items) Linked in a chain.
CHAINERchainer n. One who chains.
CHAINER n. one who chains.
CHAINESchaines n. Plural of chaine.
CHAINE n. (French) in ballet, a series of small fast turns used to cross a stage.
CHANTIEchantie n. Alternative spelling of shanty (“song”).
CHANTIE n. a song sung by sailors as they worked, also CHANTEY, CHANTY, SHANTEY, SHANTY.
CHICANEchicane n. A quibble, a pedantic or dishonest objection; an act of deception.
chicane n. The use of dishonest means or subterfuge to achieve one’s (especially political) goals; chicanery, trickery.
chicane n. (Card games, chiefly bridge) The holding of a hand without trumps, or the hand itself.
ECHIDNAechidna n. Any of the species of small spined monotremes in family Tachyglossidae, the four extant species of which…
Echidna prop.n. (Greek mythology) A female monster who, along with Typhon, mothered the vast majority of the famous…
Echidna prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Muraenidae – some moray eels.
ENCHAINenchain v. (Transitive) To restrain with, or as if with, chains.
enchain v. (Transitive) To link together.
ENCHAIN v. to bind with chains.
HYACINEhyacine n. (Obsolete) A hyacinth.
HYACINE n. (Spenser) a blue gemstone, hyacinth.
HYAENIChyaenic adj. Alternative form of hyenic.
HYAENIC adj. of or like a hyaena, also HYENIC, HYENINE, HYENOID.
INCHASEinchase v. Archaic form of enchase.
INCHASE v. to place in an ornamental border, also ENCHASE.
MACHINEmachine n. A device that directs and controls energy, often in the form of movement or electricity, to produce a certain effect.
machine n. (Dated) A vehicle operated mechanically, such as an automobile or an airplane.
machine n. (Telephony, abbreviation) An answering machine or, by extension, voice mail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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