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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, C, E, G, N and O

ACROGENacrogen n. (Biology) any flowerless plant whose growth takes place at the tip of the main stem, especially the cryptogam ferns.
ACROGEN n. a cryptogam with a distinct permanent stem; a fern, a moss.
COAGENTcoagent n. An associate in an act; a coworker.
COAGENT n. someone working together with another.
COGNATEcognate adj. Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically (law) related on the mother’s side.
cognate adj. Of the same or a similar nature; of the same family; proceeding from the same stock or root.
cognate adj. (Linguistics) Descended from the same source lexemes (same etymons) of an ancestor language.
COINAGEcoinage n. The process of coining money.
coinage n. (Uncountable) Coins taken collectively; currency.
coinage n. (Uncountable, lexicography) The creation of new words, neologizing.
CONGAEDcongaed v. Simple past tense and past participle of conga.
CONGA v. to dance the conga.
CONGEALcongeal v. (Transitive) To change from a liquid to solid state, perhaps due to cold; called to freeze in nontechnical usage.
congeal v. (Transitive) To coagulate, make curdled or semi-solid such as gel or jelly.
congeal v. (Transitive) To make rigid or immobile.
CORNAGEcornage n. A feudal tax levied on horned cattle.
cornage n. (Law) An ancient tenure of land, which obliged the tenant to give notice of an invasion by blowing a horn.
CORNAGE n. (historical) a feudal service, being a form of rent fixed by the number of horned cattle.
DECAGONdecagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with ten sides and ten angles.
DECAGON n. a plane figure with ten equal sides.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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