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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, C, D, I, L and O

CABILDOcabildo n. A local government council in some Spanish-speaking communities.
cabildo n. A town hall in some Spanish-speaking countries.
CABILDO n. (Spanish) a town council.
CODILLAcodilla n. The tow obtained from flax or hemp.
CODILLA n. (Italian) the coarse tow of flax and hemp.
CORDIALcordial adj. Hearty; sincere; warm; affectionate.
cordial adj. Radiating warmth and friendliness; genial.
cordial adj. (Rare) Tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate; giving strength or spirits.
COTIDALcotidal adj. Describing the locations (and of related lines on a chart) linking places where tides occur at the same time of day.
co-tidal adj. Alternative spelling of cotidal.
COTIDAL adj. having high tide at the same time.
DOMICALdomical adj. Of, pertaining to, resembling or having a dome.
DOMICAL adj. shaped like a dome, also DOMIC, DOMAL.
NODICALnodical adj. (Astronomy) Of or pertaining to the nodes of an orbiting body (such as the moon).
NODICAL adj. pertaining to an astronomical point.
PLACOIDplacoid adj. Platelike; having irregular, platelike, bony scales, often bearing spines; pertaining to the placoid fish.
placoid n. Such a scale.
placoid n. Any fish having placoid scales, such as the sharks.
PODALICpodalic adj. Relating to the foot.
PODALIC adj. of the feet, also PODAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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