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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, C, D, E, R and U

ACCRUEDaccrued v. Simple past tense and past participle of accrue.
accrued adj. Having increased through accrual; having risen over time or due to financial transactions.
ACCRUE v. to accumulate, also ACCREW.
ADDUCERadducer n. One who adduces.
ADDUCER n. one who adduces.
CARDECUcardecu n. (Historical) A silver French coin worth a quarter of an écu.
CARDECU n. (French) an old French coin, also CARDECUE.
CAULDERCaulder prop.n. A surname.
CAULD adj. (Scots) cold.
CRUSADEcrusade n. (Historical) Any of the Papally-endorsed military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Latin…
crusade n. Any war instigated and blessed by the Church for alleged religious ends, (especially) papal-sanctioned…
crusade n. (Figuratively) A grand concerted effort toward some purportedly worthy cause.
CUDBEARcudbear n. A violet-red powder, difficult to moisten with water, prepared from certain lichens, especially Ochrolechia…
cudbear n. A rim lichen, crabseye lichen (Ochrolechia tartarea, syn. Lecanora tartarea), from which the powder is obtained.
CUDBEAR n. a purple or reddish dyestuff obtained from various lichens.
CURATEDcurated v. Simple past tense and past participle of curate.
curated adj. Produced by curatorial process; reviewed by a curator.
CURATE v. to act as a curator.
DECURIAdecuria n. Alternative form of decury.
DECURIA n. (Latin) a company of ten or more Roman soldiers under a decurion, also DECURY.
DURANCEdurance n. (Obsolete) Duration.
durance n. (Obsolete) Endurance.
durance n. (Archaic) Imprisonment; forced confinement.
SCAUREDSCAUR v. (Scots) to scare, also SCARRE.
TRADUCEtraduce v. (Transitive) To malign a person or entity by making malicious and false or defamatory statements.
traduce v. (Archaic, transitive) To pass on (To one’s children, future generations etc.); to transmit.
traduce v. (Archaic, transitive) To pass into another form of expression; to rephrase, to translate.
UNCAREDuncared adj. Not cared (For, about, etc.).
UNCARED adj. not cared (for).
UNRACEDunraced adj. (Of a racehorse, etc.) Not yet raced.
UNRACED adj. not raced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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