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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, B, R, S, T and U

ABITURSabiturs n. Plural of abitur.
Abiturs n. Plural of Abitur.
ABITUR n. (German) in Germany, the final-year school examinations.
ABORTUSabortus n. An abortion.
abortus n. An aborted fetus, especially one aborted in early pregnancy.
ABORTUS n. an aborted fetus.
ABRUPTSabrupts n. Plural of abrupt.
abrupts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abrupt.
ABRUPT n. (Milton) an abyss.
ARBUTESarbutes n. Plural of arbute.
ARBUTE n. an evergreen tree, the strawberry tree, also ARBUTUS.
ARBUTUSarbutus n. Any flowering plant in the genus Arbutus: the strawberry tree.
arbutus n. Epigaea repens, the mayflower, the trailing arbutus.
arbutus n. Arbute; the wood of the strawberry tree.
BARBUTSbarbuts n. Plural of barbut.
BARBUT n. a type of helmet.
BURSATEBURSATE adj. pertaining to a bursa, any sac or saclike cavity.
BUSTARDbustard n. Any of several large terrestrial birds of the family Otididae that inhabit dry open country and steppes…
BUSTARD n. any bird of the genus Otis, resembling cranes.
NUTBARSnutbars n. Plural of nutbar.
nut-bars n. Plural of nut-bar.
NUTBAR n. a bar made from chopped nuts.
OUTBARSoutbars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbar.
OUTBAR v. to form a barrier.
ROBUSTArobusta n. A plant of the African coffee plant species Coffea canephora.
robusta n. Beans, ground roasted beans, or beverage from the robusta coffee bean, used primarily in instant coffee…
ROBUSTA n. a kind of coffee grown in Africa.
RUBATOSrubatos n. Plural of rubato.
RUBATO n. (Italian) a musical piece with a distorted rhythm.
SUBPARTsubpart n. Part of a part; a subcomponent or subset.
SUBPART n. a subdivision of a part.
SURBATEsurbate v. (Obsolete) To bruise, hurt (The feet, hooves etc.) from walking.
SURBATE v. to make footsore; to harass or fatigue.
TABOURStabours n. Plural of tabour.
TABOUR v. to beat on a small drum, also TABOR, TABER.
TAMBURStamburs n. Plural of tambur.
TAMBUR n. (Arabic) an Eastern stringed instrument, used to produce a drone, also TAMBOURA, TAMBURA.
TARBUSHtarbush n. Alternative form of tarboosh.
TARBUSH n. (Arabic) a fez, a hat worn by Muslim men, also TARBOOSH, TARBOUCHE, TARBOUSH.
TURBANSturbans n. Plural of turban.
TURBAN n. (Turkish) a man's headdress, consisting of a length of cotton or silk wrapped round the head or a cap, worn esp. by Muslims and Sikhs, also TULBAN, TULIPANT, TURBAND, TURBANT, TURBOND, TURRIBANT.
UPBRASTUPBURST v. to burst upwards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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