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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, B, N, S, T and U

BAWSUNTbawsunt adj. (Archaic, rare, literary, or dialectal) Having white streaks or spots on a black or bay background (especially…
BAWSUNT adj. having white marks, also BAUSOND.
BUNTALSbuntals n. Plural of buntal.
BUNTAL n. (Tagalog) the straw of the talipot palm.
BUTANESbutanes n. Plural of butane.
BUTANE n. a hydrocarbon of an alkane series, widely used as a fuel.
NUMBATSnumbats n. Plural of numbat.
NUMBAT n. (Native Australian) a small Australian marsupial that feeds on termites.
NUTBARSnutbars n. Plural of nutbar.
nut-bars n. Plural of nut-bar.
NUTBAR n. a bar made from chopped nuts.
SUNBATHsunbath n. A period spent tanning (sunbathing) in the sun.
sun-bath n. Alternative form of sunbath.
sun␣bath n. Alternative form of sunbath.
SUNBEATSUNBEAT adj. continually exposed to the sun, also SUNBEATEN.
TURBANSturbans n. Plural of turban.
TURBAN n. (Turkish) a man's headdress, consisting of a length of cotton or silk wrapped round the head or a cap, worn esp. by Muslims and Sikhs, also TULBAN, TULIPANT, TURBAND, TURBANT, TURBOND, TURRIBANT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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