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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing A, B, I, L, O and T

BAILOUTbailout n. A rescue, especially a financial rescue.
bailout n. The process of exiting an aircraft while in flight.
bailout n. (Underwater diving) A backup supply of air in scuba diving.
BITONALbitonal adj. (Music, of a musical instrument) That has two tonic centres simultaneously.
bitonal adj. (Music) Of or pertaining to bitonality.
bitonal adj. Of two tones, or shades of colour.
BOBTAILbobtail n. A short, or deliberately shortened tail.
bobtail n. An animal that has a bobtail, such as certain canines or nags.
bobtail n. (Agriculture) A tractor which performs without its trailer.
LOBTAILlobtail v. (Of a whale) To raise the flukes out of the water and then slap them down against the water surface.
LOBTAIL v. of a whale, to slap its tail against the surface of the water.
OBITUALobitual adj. Of or relating to obits.
OBITUAL adj. relating to an obit, a religious office for a dead person, also OBITAL.
OBLASTIoblasti n. Plural of oblast.
OBLAST n. (Russian) a political subdivision of a republic in the former USSR.
ORBITALorbital adj. Of or relating to, or forming an orbit (such as the orbit of a moon, planet, or spacecraft).
orbital adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole).
orbital adj. (Chiefly UK) (of roads, railways) Passing around the outside of an urban area.
TABLOIDtabloid n. (Publishing) A newspaper having pages half the dimensions of the standard format.
tabloid n. (Publishing) A newspaper, especially one in this format, that favours stories of a sensational or even…
tabloid n. (Medicine, obsolete) A compressed portion of drugs, chemicals, etc.; a tablet.
TABOULItabouli n. Alternative spelling of tabbouleh.
TABOULI n. (Arabic) a kind of Lebanese salad, also TABBOULEH, TABBOULI, TABOOLEY, TABOULEH, TABULI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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