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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, B, E, R and 2T

ABETTERabetter n. Alternative form of abettor.
ABETTER n. one who abets, also ABETTOR.
ABETTORabettor n. One that abets an offender; one that incites; instigates; encourages.
abettor n. A supporter or advocate.
ABETTOR n. one who abets, also ABETTER.
ABUTTERabutter n. One who, or that which, abuts, specifically, the owner of a contiguous estate.
ABUTTER n. a person whose property abuts.
BATTEROBATTERO n. (Shakespeare) a cudgel.
BATTERSbatters n. Plural of batter.
batters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of batter.
BATTER v. to beat repeatedly.
BATTERYbattery n. (Countable, electronics) A device used to power electric devices, consisting of a set of electrically…
battery n. (Law) The infliction of unlawful physical violence on a person, legally distinguished from assault…
battery n. (Countable) A coordinated group of artillery weapons.
BATTIERbattier adj. Comparative form of batty: more batty.
BATTY adj. (colloquial) crazy.
BATTLERbattler n. One who wages battle against an enemy; a soldier; a general.
battler n. (Australia, dated) An itinerant worker or unemployed person.
battler n. One who works hard in the face of adversity.
BERETTAberetta n. Alternative form of biretta.
Beretta n. (Firearms) A firearm (especially a handgun) made by the Beretta company.
BERETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERRETTA, BIRETTA, BIRRETTA.
BIRETTAbiretta n. A square cap, originally with four ridges across the top, surmounted by a tuft, worn by Roman Catholic…
BIRETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERETTA, BERRETTA, BIRRETTA.
BITRATEbitrate n. (Computing, telecommunications) The frequency at which bits (binary digits) pass a given physical or…
bit␣rate n. Alternative form of bitrate.
BITRATE n. the speed of data processing.
BLATTERblatter n. Blather; foolish talk.
blatter n. A sound of rapid motion.
blatter v. (Intransitive) To blather.
BRATTLEbrattle v. (Intransitive) To rattle; to make a scampering noise.
BRATTLE v. (Scots) to rush noisily.
RABATTErabatte v. Alternative form of rabat (“to rotate a plane of projection”).
RABATTE v. (French) to rotate into coincidence with another plane, also RABAT.
RATBITERATBITE adj. as in ratbite fever, a bacterial disease spread by rat bites.
TABARETtabaret n. A strong fabric consisting of stripes of silk and satin.
TABARET n. an upholsterer's silk fabric, with alternate stripes of watered and satin surface.
TABORETtaboret n. A little drum; a tabret.
taboret n. A low stool in the form of a drum.
taboret n. A low stand or embroidery frame in the same shape.
TABRETStabrets n. Plural of tabret.
TABRET n. (historical) a small tabor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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