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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, B, E, L, S and U

BASCULEbascule n. A counterbalanced structure having one end that rises as the other lowers.
bascule n. (Firearms) The portion of a breech-loading firearm that pivots open in order to allow access to the chamber.
BASCULE n. (French) a type of bridge.
BAUBLESbaubles n. Plural of bauble.
BAUBLE n. a cheap trinket, also BAWBLE.
BELAUDSbelauds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of belaud.
BELAUD v. to laud or praise greatly.
BELUGASbelugas n. Plural of beluga.
Belugas n. Plural of Beluga.
BELUGA n. (Russian) the white whale.
BEMAULSbemauls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bemaul.
BEMAUL v. (archaic) to maul or beat severely; to bruise.
BLAGUESblagues n. Plural of blague.
BLAGUE n. (French) humbug.
BUBALESbubales n. Plural of bubale.
BUBALE n. (Greek) a large antelope, also BUBAL, BUBALIS.
NEBULASnebulas n. Plural of nebula.
NEBULA n. (Latin) a hazy or indistinct luminous area in the night sky representing a distant cluster of stars.
SUBLATEsublate v. (Transitive, logic) To negate, deny or contradict.
sublate v. (Transitive) To take or carry away; to remove.
SUBLATE v. to deny; to contradict.
SUBSALEsubsale n. A sale forming part of a larger sale.
SUBSALE n. a resale of purchased goods.
SUEABLEsueable adj. That can be sued.
SUEABLE adj. that may be sued, also SUABLE.
UNBALESunbales v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbale.
UNBALE v. to loosen from a compressed bundle.
USEABLEuseable adj. Alternative spelling of usable.
USEABLE adj. that can be used, also USABLE.
USEABLYuseably adv. Alternative form of usably.
USEABLE adv. that can be used, also USABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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