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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, B, E, I, L and T

ABLEISTableist adj. Exhibiting or relating to ableism.
ableist n. One who exhibits ableism, or prejudice against the disabled.
ABLEIST adj. discriminatory against disabled people.
ALBITESalbites n. Plural of albite.
ALBITE n. a sodium-rich mineral, sodium feldspar, occurring widely in silicate rocks.
ASTILBEastilbe n. A species, subspecies, cultivar, or specimen of the genus Astilbe.
Astilbe prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Saxifragaceae – false goat’s beard.
ASTILBE n. a plant of the Astilbe genus of perennial plants, with clusters of usually red or white flowers.
BASTILEbastile n. Obsolete form of bastille.
BASTILE n. a tower or an elevated work, used for the defense, or in the siege, of a fortified place, also BASTILLE.
BATLIKEbatlike adj. Having characteristics similar to those of a bat, usually used with reference to the flying mammal.
batlike adj. Similar to that of a bat.
BATLIKE adj. resembling a bat (a flying mammal).
BESTIALbestial adj. (Literally and figuratively) Beast-like.
bestial n. (Scotland, obsolete) Cattle.
BESTIAL adj. animallike.
BIMETALbimetal adj. (Metallurgy) Consisting of two metals.
bimetal n. (Metallurgy) An object consisting of two metals.
BIMETAL n. something composed of two metals.
BITABLEbitable adj. Alternative form of biteable.
BITABLE adj. capable of being bitten.
CITABLEcitable adj. Capable of being, or appropriate to be, cited.
CITABLE adj. suitable for citation, also CITEABLE.
LABIATElabiate adj. Having lips or liplike parts.
labiate adj. (Botany, of flowers such as the snapdragon) Having the corolla divided into two liplike parts.
labiate adj. (Botany) of, or belonging to the mint family (Labiatae, now Lamiaceae).
LIBATEDlibated v. Simple past tense and past participle of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
LIBATESlibates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
LIBRATElibrate n. (Now historical) A piece of land having a value of one pound per year.
librate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To place in a balance; to weigh.
librate v. (Intransitive) To oscillate (like the beam of a balance).
LIMBATElimbate adj. (Biology, paleontology) Having a distinct edge, especially one of a different colour; bordered.
LIMBATE adj. having an edge of a different colour.
PATIBLEpatible adj. Able to suffer; passible.
patible adj. Capable of being suffered; tolerable, endurable.
PATIBLE adj. capable of suffering or being acted on, also PASSIBLE.
STABILEstabile n. Abstract sculpture or structure of wire, sheet metal, etc.
Stabile prop.n. A surname from Italian.
STABILE n. a stationary abstract sculpture.
TABLIERtablier n. (Obsolete) Chessboard.
tablier n. (Anatomy) An enlarged labia minora characteristic of certain African women.
tablier n. A protective skirt or similar structure.
TIMBALEtimbale n. A drum-shaped mould used to cook food.
timbale n. A dish of food cooked in such a mould.
TIMBALE n. (French) a dish of meat, fish etc. cooked in a cup-shaped mould or shell.
TRIABLEtriable adj. (Law) Capable of being tried.
TRIABLE adj. subject to judicial examination.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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