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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, B, D, E, I and L

ADDIBLEaddible adj. Capable of being added; thus…
ADDIBLE adj. capable of being added.
ALIBIEDalibied v. Simple past tense and past participle of alibi.
ALIBI v. to give an alibi to.
AUDIBLEaudible adj. Able to be heard.
audible v. (Intransitive, American football) To change the play at the line of scrimmage by yelling out a new one.
audible n. (American football) The act of or an instance of changing the play at the line of scrimmage by yelling out a new one.
BALDIERBALDY adj. having no hair.
BALDIESbaldies n. Plural of baldie.
baldies n. Plural of baldy.
BALDY n. a bald person.
BEADILYbeadily adv. (Usually of a look) in an avaricious or penetrating manner.
BEADY adv. resembling beads.
BEDRAILbedrail n. A rail at the head, foot, or side of a bed.
BEDRAIL n. a rail that runs along the side of a bed.
BIPEDALbipedal adj. Having two feet or two legs; biped.
bipedal adj. Pertaining to a biped.
BIPEDAL adj. having two feet.
BLADIERBLADY adj. as in blady grass, a coarse Australian grass.
BRAILEDbrailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of brail.
BRAIL v. to haul in a sail.
DIABLESdiables n. Plural of diable.
DIABLE n. (French) an unglazed earthenware casserole.
DISABLEdisable v. (Transitive) To render unable; to take away an ability of, as by crippling.
disable v. (Chiefly of a person) To impair the physical or mental abilities of; to cause a serious, permanent injury.
disable v. (Chiefly electronics, computing) To deactivate, to make inoperational (especially of a function of an…
HIDABLEhidable adj. Alternative form of hideable.
HIDABLE adj. able to be hidden.
LIBATEDlibated v. Simple past tense and past participle of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
PIEBALDpiebald adj. (Also used figuratively) Spotted or blotched, especially in black and white.
piebald adj. (Figuratively) Of mixed character, heterogeneous.
piebald n. An animal with piebald coloration.
RAILBEDrailbed n. The substructure of a railway, underlying the tracks; the roadbed of a railroad.
RAILBED n. the bed of a railway track.
RIDABLEridable adj. Alternative spelling of rideable.
RIDABLE adj. capable of being ridden, also RIDEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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