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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 4 seven-letter words containing A, B, D, E, G and I

ABRIDGEabridge v. (Transitive, archaic) To deprive; to cut off.
abridge v. (Transitive, archaic, rare) To debar from.
abridge v. (Transitive) To make shorter; to shorten in duration or extent.
BEADINGbeading v. Present participle of bead.
beading n. (Architecture) A decorative, ornamental molding often used to conceal a joint.
beading n. (Craft) beadwork.
BIGHEADbighead n. (Countable, colloquial, especially used by children) A person having an inflated opinion of himself;…
bighead n. (Countable, colloquial) Any of several species of fish having a large head.
bighead n. (Uncountable, colloquial) Any of several animal diseases that cause swelling of the head.
BRIGADEbrigade n. A group of people organized for a common purpose.
brigade n. (Military) Military unit composed of several regiments (or battalions) and including soldiers from different…
brigade n. (Derogatory) A group of people who share views or a specific characteristic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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