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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing 2A, I, L, P and T

APPALTIappalti n. Plural of appalto.
APPALTO n. (Italian) a contract or monopoly.
CAPITALcapital n. (Uncountable, economics) Already-produced durable goods available for use as a factor of production…
capital n. (Uncountable, business, finance, insurance) Money and wealth. The means to acquire goods and services…
capital n. (Countable) A city designated as a legislative seat by the government or some other authority, often…
PARTIALpartial adj. Existing as a part or portion; incomplete.
partial adj. (Computer science) describing a property that holds only when an algorithm terminates.
partial adj. Biased in favor of a person, side, or point of view, especially when dealing with a competition or dispute.
PATRIALpatrial adj. (Grammar, Latin, of a noun) Derived from the name of a country, and designating an inhabitant of the country; gentile.
patrial adj. (UK) Relating to the right of abode in the United Kingdom by having a British parent or grandparent.
patrial n. (UK) One who has the right of abode in the United Kingdom by having a British parent or grandparent.
PLACITAplacita n. Plural of placitum.
PLACITUM n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACET, PLACIT.
PLATINAplatina n. (Chemistry, obsolete) platinum.
PLATINA n. (Spanish) platinum.
SPATIALspatial adj. Pertaining to (the dimension of) space.
spatial adj. (Uncommon) Pertaining to (outer) space.
SPATIAL adj. pertaining to space, also SPACIAL.
TALIPATtalipat n. Alternative form of talipot.
TALIPAT n. (Sinhalese) a very tall southern Indian fan palm with enormous leaves which are used as sunshades etc., also TALIPOT.
TILAPIAtilapia n. Any of various edible fish, formerly species of the genus Tilapia, but now placed in other cichlid genera…
Tilapia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cichlidae – the tilapia fish.
TILAPIA n. any member of an African freshwater fish genus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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