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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, I, L, N and T

ACTINALactinal adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the side or surface around the mouth in an animal that has radial symmetry such as a starfish.
actinal adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the axis of rotational symmetry in radiate animals.
ACTINAL adj. pertaining to the part of a radiate animal, such as a starfish, which contains the mouth.
AILANTOailanto n. Ailanthus (tree).
AILANTO n. (Amboina) an oriental tree, the tree of heaven, also AILANTHUS.
ALATIONalation n. (Uncountable) The state of being winged.
alation n. (Countable) A wing or wing-like structure.
ALATION n. the state of having wings.
ALICANTalicant n. A kind of wine, formerly much esteemed, said to have been made near Alicante in Spain.
ALICANT n. (Spanish) a wine made near Alicante in Spain.
ANALITYanality n. (Psychoanalysis) The state of being anal.
ANALITY n. a stage of infantile development thought to involve a preoccupation with the anus and defecation.
ANTICALantical adj. (Botany) Oriented towards the apex.
antical adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to the surface of a prostrate thallus that is oriented away from the substrate.
ANTICAL adj. above or in front of another plant part, anterior.
ANTLIAEantliae n. Plural of antlia.
Antliae prop.n. (Astronomy) genitive of Antlia used when naming stars, such as α Antliae.
ANTLIA n. (Latin) the sucking proboscis of moths and butterflies.
FANTAILfantail n. Any of several birds, of the genus Rhipidura, from Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
fantail n. Any of several domestic varieties of pigeon having a fan-shaped tail.
fantail n. Any of several goldfish having a large fan-shaped tail.
LANITALLANITAL n. a woollike fibre.
LATINASlatinas n. Plural of latina.
Latinas n. Plural of Latina.
Latin@s n. Plural of Latin@.
MATINALmatinal adj. In the morning, relating to the morning.
MATINAL adj. pertaining to the morning.
PLATINAplatina n. (Chemistry, obsolete) platinum.
PLATINA n. (Spanish) platinum.
TAILFANtailfan n. The outer part of a bird’s tail, farthest from the body.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.
THALIANthalian adj. Comic; comedic.
THALIAN adj. pertaining to the Muse of comedy.
VALIANTvaliant adj. Possessing or showing courage or determination; brave, heroic.
valiant adj. Characterized by or done with bravery or valour.
valiant n. (Obsolete) A person who acts with valour, showing hero-like characteristics in the midst of danger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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