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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2A, H, I, R and S

ARACHISArachis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – flowering plants, of which the peanut is the best known.
ARACHIS n. (Greek) a Brazilian plant genus that includes monkey-nut.
HAKARIShakaris n. Plural of hakari.
HAKARI n. (Maori) a ritual feast.
HARIRAShariras n. Plural of harira.
HARIRA n. (Arabic) a kind of Moroccan soup.
HARISSAharissa n. A traditional Armenian dish; a kind of homogeneous porridge made of previously stewed and boned chicken…
harissa n. A North African spice mix, containing chillis, garlic and salt, used as both a condiment and an ingredient.
HARISSA n. (Arabic) a hot paste made from chilli peppers, spices, tomatoes and olive oil.
KARAHISkarahis n. Plural of karahi.
KARAHI n. (Hindi) a wok-like copper utensil used in Asian cookery; a dish prepared in this, also KADAI.
PARIAHSpariahs n. Plural of pariah.
PARIAH n. (Tamil) a person of low or no caste; a social outcast.
RAPHIASraphias n. Plural of raphia.
RAPHIA n. (Malagasy) a genus of palm trees, also RAFFIA.
SHARIAHshariah n. Alternative form of shari’a.
SHARIAH n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAT, SHERIA, SHERIAT.
SHARIASSHARIA n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIAH, SHARIAT, SHERIA, SHERIAT.
SHARIATSHARIAT n. (Turkish) the body of Islamic religious law, also SHARIA, SHARIAH, SHERIA, SHERIAT.
SHIKARAshikara n. (India, nautical) A type of small wooden boat.
SHIKARA n. (Hindi) a light, flat-bottomed boat in Kashmir.
VIHARASviharas n. Plural of vihara.
VIHARA n. (Sanskrit) a Buddhist or Jain temple or precinct.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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