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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing 2A, G, I, R and S

AGARICSagarics n. Plural of agaric.
AGARIC n. a kind of fungus.
AGYRIASagyrias n. Plural of agyria.
AGYRIA n. a disease of the brain.
AIRBAGSairbags n. Plural of airbag.
air␣bags n. Plural of air bag.
AIRBAG n. an inflatable safety device in an automobile.
AIRGAPSairgaps n. Plural of airgap.
air␣gaps n. Plural of air gap.
AIRGAP n. a gap in a magnetic circuit.
ARGALISargalis n. Plural of argali.
ARGALI n. (Mongolian) the great wild sheep of Asia.
GARIALSgarials n. Plural of garial.
GARIAL n. (Hindi) an Indian crocodile, also GAVIAL, GHARIAL.
NAGARISnagaris n. Plural of nagari.
NAGARI n. (Sanskrit) the character in which Sanskrit is usually printed, also DEVANAGARI.
SANGRIAsangria n. A cold drink, originating in Spain, consisting of red or white wine, brandy or sherry, fruit juice…
sangria n. (Color) A deep red color.
SANGRIA n. (Spanish) a Spanish wine punch.
SARANGIsarangi n. (Music) A bowed string instrument used in the Hindustani classical music of North India.
SARANGI n. (Hindi) an Indian stringed instrument, played like a fiddle.
WARAGISwaragis n. Plural of waragi.
WARAGI n. a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from bananas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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