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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, E, N, S and T

AGNATESagnates n. Plural of agnate.
AGNATE n. a relative on the father's side.
ANAPESTanapest n. (Prosody) In qualitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two unstressed and one…
anapest n. (Prosody) In quantitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two short and one long…
anapest n. (Prosody) A fragment, phrase or line of poetry or verse using this meter. For an example, see References.
ANATASEanatase n. (Mineralogy) A blue or brown mineral, a form of titanium dioxide, used as a pigment.
ANATASE n. a mineral, titanium oxide.
ANESTRAanestra n. Plural of anestrum.
ANESTRUM n. (Greek) a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus, also ANESTRUS, ANOESTRUM, ANOESTRUS.
ANNATESannates n. Plural of annate.
ANNATES n. (historical) the first year's profits of a spiritual preferment, anciently paid by the clergy to the pope.
ANSATEDansated adj. Having a handle.
ANSATED adj. having a handle, also ANSATE.
CATENAScatenas n. Plural of catena.
Catenas prop.n. Plural of Catena.
CATENA n. (Latin) a chain or connected series of things, esp. of the patristic comments on Scripture.
ENTASIAentasia n. (Medicine) tonic spasm; any disease characterized by tonic spasms, such as tetanus or trismus.
ENTASIA n. a spasmodic contraction of a muscle.
NAMASTEnamaste interj. A greeting (only in Indian culture-related or New Age contexts and Indianized literature).
namaste n. The traditional greeting when saying the word namaste, with folded hands and a slight bow.
namaste n. In yoga, the pose associated with this word, usually with the flat hands held palms together, fingers…
PEASANTpeasant n. A member of the lowly social class that toils on the land, constituted by small farmers and tenants…
peasant n. A country person.
peasant n. (Derogatory) An uncouth, crude or ill-bred person.
SANTERAsantera n. A woman who crafts santos (religious statues).
SANTERA n. (Spanish) a priestess of santeria.
SAVANTESAVANTE n. (French) a woman of great learning.
SEALANTsealant n. Any material used to seal a surface so as to prevent passage of a fluid.
sealant n. (Construction) A mixture of polymers, fillers, and pigments used to fill and seal joints where moderate…
SEALANT n. a sealing agent.
SEAWANTseawant n. Alternative form of seawan (wampum).
SEAWANT n. (Native American) shell beads used by Algonquin Indians as money, also SEAWAN, SEWAN.
TAENIAStaenias n. Plural of taenia.
tænias n. Plural of tænia.
TAENIA n. (Latin) a narrow band or hair-ribbon worn in Greece, also TENIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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