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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing 2A, E, N, P and T

ANAPESTanapest n. (Prosody) In qualitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two unstressed and one…
anapest n. (Prosody) In quantitative metre, a metrical foot consisting of three syllables, two short and one long…
anapest n. (Prosody) A fragment, phrase or line of poetry or verse using this meter. For an example, see References.
EPATANTEPATANT adj. (French) wonderful, marvellous.
PAGEANTpageant n. An elaborate public display, especially a parade in historical or traditional costume.
pageant n. A spectacular ceremony.
pageant n. Ellipsis of beauty pageant..
PATINAEpatinae n. Plural of patina.
PATINA n. (Latin) a film or surface that forms on surface of metal or wood.
PEASANTpeasant n. A member of the lowly social class that toils on the land, constituted by small farmers and tenants…
peasant n. A country person.
peasant n. (Derogatory) An uncouth, crude or ill-bred person.
PEATMANpeatman n. A man whose occupation is digging peat.
PEATMAN n. a peat seller.
PLANATEplanate adj. Flat, flattened. Resembling a plane, or otherwise planar.
planate n. (Entomology, geography) flat or flattened area.
PLANATE adj. having a flat surface.
PLANTAEplantae n. Plural of planta.
Plantae prop.n. A taxonomic kingdom within the superkingdom Eukaryota – all plants., about 300,000 species of organism…
plantæ n. (Obsolete, sciences) plural of plant.
PLATANEplatane n. Obsolete form of platan.
PLATANE n. a large tree, also PLATAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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