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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, R, S and T

ACATERSacaters n. Plural of acater.
ACATER n. (obsolete) an officer who buys provisions; a chandler, also ACATOUR.
AMTRACSamtracs n. Plural of amtrac.
AMTRAC n. an amphibious military vehicle, also AMTRACK.
CANTARScantars n. Plural of cantar.
CANTAR n. (Arabic) a Turkish unit of weight equal to approximately 100 pounds, also KANTAR.
CARACTScaracts n. Plural of caract.
CARACT n. (Shakespeare) a mark, a sign.
CARATEScarates n. Alternative form of carate (skin disease).
CARATE n. a tropical skin disease, aka pinta.
CARITASCARITAS n. (Latin) love for all people.
CARRATScarrats n. Plural of carrat.
CARRAT n. a unit of weight used for gems, also CARAT, KARAT.
CASTRALcastral adj. Relating to a castrum.
CASTRAL adj. (Latin) belonging to the camp.
CHARTASCHARTA n. (Latin) a charter, also CARTA.
CRAVATScravats n. Plural of cravat.
cravats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cravat.
CRAVAT n. (French) a scarf or band worn as necktie, also CRAVATE.
OSTRACAostraca n. Plural of ostracon.
OSTRACON n. (Greek) a piece of tile for writing a message upon, also OSTRAKON.
RAMCATSram-cats n. Plural of ram-cat.
RAMCAT n. a male cat.
TARMACStarmacs n. Plural of tarmac.
TARMAC v. to surface with tarmacadam.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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