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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, L, S and U

ACCUSALaccusal n. An accusation.
ACCUSAL n. an accusation.
ACTUALSactuals n. Plural of actual.
actuals n. (Accounting, project management) Documented historical results; things that have happened rather than…
actuals n. (Business) Physical commodities or financial instruments which are traded in futures contracts.
ACUSHLAacushla n. (Chiefly Ireland) darling.
ACUSHLA n. (Irish) an Irish term of address, darling.
CALALUSCALALU n. (Caribbean) a soup made with greens, onions and crabmeat, also CALALOO, CALLALOO, CALLALOU.
CALAMUScalamus n. The sweet flag, Acorus calamus.
calamus n. (Ornithology) A quill; the hard, horny, hollow, and more or less transparent part of the stem or scape of a feather.
calamus n. A fish of genus Calamus in family Sparidae; certain porgies.
CANULAScanulas n. Plural of canula.
CANULA n. (Latin) a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANNULA.
CASUALScasuals n. Plural of casual.
CASUAL n. one who works occasionally.
CAUSALScausals n. Plural of causal.
CAUSAL n. a word expressing a cause or reason.
CLAUSALclausal adj. Of, pertaining to, or constructed using clauses.
CLAUSAL adj. relating to a clause.
FAUCALSfaucals n. Plural of faucal.
FAUCAL n. a sound produced in the passage from the mouth.
LACUNASlacunas n. Plural of lacuna.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
MACULASmaculas n. Plural of macula.
MACULA n. (Latin) a spot, as on the skin, or on the surface of the sun.
PASCUALPascual prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
PASCUAL n. a plant that grows in pasture.
PAUCALSPAUCAL n. a grammatical number in some languages representing a few.
SAECULAsaecula n. Plural of saeculum.
SAECULUM n. (Latin) an astronomical or geological age, also SECULUM.
SCAPULAscapula n. (Anatomy) Either of the two large, flat, bones forming the back of the shoulder.
SCAPULA n. (Latin) a bone in the shoulder.
VASCULAvascula n. Plural of vasculum.
VASCULUM n. (Latin) a box used to hold plant specimens.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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