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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, I, L and M

ACCLAIMacclaim v. (Archaic, transitive) To shout; to call out.
acclaim v. (Transitive) To express great approval (for).
acclaim v. (Transitive, rare) To salute or praise with great approval; to compliment; to applaud; to welcome enthusiastically.
CALIMASCALIMA n. (Spanish) a dust storm or cloud that spreads from the Sahara into southern Europe.
CAMAILScamails n. Plural of camail.
CAMAIL n. a neck guard of chain mall, hanging from the bassinet or other headpiece.
CAMBIALcambial adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to commercial exchange.
cambial adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a cambium.
CAMBIAL adj. of or like cambium, soft tissue found in trees.
CAMELIAcamelia n. Obsolete form of camellia.
CAMELIA n. an evergreen shrub, also CAMELLIA.
MAGICALmagical adj. Of, relating to, or by means of magic.
magical adj. Enchanting.
MAGICAL adj. resembling magic.
MAILCARmail␣car n. (Rail transport, US) a railroad car in which mail is carried and sorted.
MAILCAR n. a railway coach specially constructed for the transport of mail, also MAILCOACH.
MALACIAmalacia n. (Medicine, pathology) Abnormal softening of organs or tissues of the human body.
malacia n. (Medicine, obsolete) An abnormal craving for certain types of food.
MALACIA n. (Greek) a pathological softening of tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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