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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, E, M and R

CAMERAEcamerae n. Plural of camera.
cameræ n. (Rare) plural of camera.
CAMERA n. an apparatus for taking photographs.
CAMERALcameral adj. Relating to a chamber, especially to a judicial or legislative one.
CAMERAL adj. relating to a camera.
CAMERAScameras n. Plural of camera.
Cameras prop.n. Plural of Camera.
CAMERA n. an apparatus for taking photographs.
CARAMELcaramel n. (Uncountable) A smooth, chewy, sticky confection made by heating sugar and other ingredients until the…
caramel n. (Countable) A (sometimes hardened) piece of this confection.
caramel n. (Color) A yellow-brown color, like that of caramel.
CERAMALceramal n. Cermet.
CERAMAL n. a strong alloy of a metal with a heat-resisting compound, esp. used for turbine blades and similar objects, also CERMET.
MACABERMACABER adj. gruesome, also MACABRE.
MACABREmacabre adj. Representing or personifying death.
macabre adj. Obsessed with death or the gruesome.
macabre adj. Ghastly, shocking, terrifying.
MACERALmaceral n. A component of coal or oil shale.
MACERAL n. any of the organic elements that constitute coal.
MACRAMEmacrame n. Alternative spelling of macramé.
macrame v. Alternative spelling of macramé.
macramé n. A form of decorative textile made by knotting and weaving.
PARACMEparacme n. A point beyond the highest or greatest.
paracme n. (Medicine) A point after the crisis of a fever is past.
paracme n. (Biology) The decadence of an evolutionary series of organisms after reaching its highest point of development.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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