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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2A, B, D, R and S

ABRADESabrades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abrade.
ABRADE v. to wear away by friction.
ABRAIDSabraids v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abraid.
ABRAID v. (Spenser) to awake, arouse.
ABROADSABROAD n. a place abroad.
BAIDARSBAIDAR n. (Russian) an Alaskan Inuit kayak, also BAIDARKA, BIDARKA, BIDARKEE.
BANDARSbandars n. Plural of bandar.
BANDAR n. (Hindi) a rhesus monkey.
BARDASHbardash n. (Now rare) A homosexual male.
BARDASH n. (obsolete) a homosexual male, a catamite.
BASTARDbastard n. (Dated) A person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant.
bastard n. A mongrel (biological cross between different breeds, groups or varieties).
bastard n. (Vulgar, offensive or derogatory, sometimes referring specifically to a man) A contemptible, inconsiderate…
BATARDSbatards n. Plural of batard.
BATARD n. a birchbark canoe.
BAYARDSbayards n. Plural of bayard.
BAYARD n. a bay horse, or horse generally.
DARBARSdarbars n. Plural of darbar.
DARBAR n. the court of a native ruler in India, also DURBAR.
SANDBARsandbar n. A ridge of sand caused by the action of waves along a shore.
sand␣bar n. Alternative spelling of sandbar.
SANDBAR n. a ridge of sand formed in a river or the sea.
SUBADARsubadar n. (South Asia, historical) The governor or commander in charge of a subah; a viceroy.
subadar n. (Historical) An Indian officer in the British Indian Army, of a rank equivalent to captain.
subadar n. (India, Pakistan, Nepal) A noncommissioned officer rank in the armies of India and Pakistan.
TABARDStabards n. Plural of tabard.
TABARD n. a herald's or knight's cape over his armor blazoned with his coat of arms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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