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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing A, 2L, 2M and U

COMMUNISTICALLYcommunistically adv. In a communistic manner.
COMMUNISTIC adv. inclined to communism.
IMMUNOGENICALLYimmunogenically adv. In an immunogenic way.
IMMUNOGENIC adv. producing an immune response.
IMMUNOLOGICALLYimmunologically adv. (Immunology) Using immunological methods.
IMMUNOLOGICAL adv. relating to immunology, also IMMUNOLOGIC.
LYMPHOGRANULOMAlymphogranuloma n. Lymphogranuloma venereum.
LYMPHOGRANULOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
MEDULLOBLASTOMAmedulloblastoma n. (Oncology) A malignant type of brain tumour that originates in the cerebellum.
MEDULLOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumor of the central nervous system arising in the cerebellum esp. in children.
MONOLINGUALISMSmonolingualisms n. Plural of monolingualism.
MONOLINGUALISM n. the state of being monolingual, speaking one language only.
MONOMOLECULARLYmonomolecularly adv. In monomolecular terms.
MONOMOLECULAR adv. being only one molecule thick.
MULTILATERALISMmultilateralism n. Unbiased trade between nations, in contrast to bilateralism.
multilateralism n. A system by which nations consult others in matters of foreign policy, by way of organisations such…
MULTILATERALISM n. the state of being multilateral, having many sides.
MULTILINGUALISMmultilingualism n. The condition of being multilingual; the ability to speak multiple languages.
MULTILINGUALISM n. the state of being multilingual.
MULTIMILLENNIALmultimillennial adj. Of or pertaining to more than one millennium.
MULTIMILLENNIAL adj. extending over several millennia.
MULTIRACIALISMSmultiracialisms n. Plural of multiracialism.
MULTIRACIALISM n. the state of being multiracial.
ULTRACOMMERCIALultracommercial adj. Extremely commercial or commercialized.
ULTRACOMMERCIAL adj. extremely commercial.
UNGRAMMATICALLYungrammatically adv. In an ungrammatical manner.
UNGRAMMATICAL adv. not following rules of grammar, also UNGRAMMATIC.
UNSYMMETRICALLYunsymmetrically adv. In an unsymmetrical way.
UNSYMMETRICAL adv. not symmetrical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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