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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 13 fifteen-letter words containing A, F, O and 3R

AUTOTRANSFORMERautotransformer n. (Electrical engineering) A transformer with a single winding, its output being taken from taps.
AUTOTRANSFORMER n. a transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have part or all of their turns in common.
FERROPRUSSIATESferroprussiates n. Plural of ferroprussiate.
FERROPRUSSIATE n. ferrocyanide.
IRREFORMABILITYirreformability n. The quality of being irreformable; absence of potential for reform.
IRREFORMABILITY n. the state of being irreformable.
MARGARITIFEROUSmargaritiferous adj. Producing pearls.
MARGARITIFEROUS adj. pearl-bearing.
MICROMICROFARADmicromicrofarad n. (Dated) picofarad. Symbol: µµF.
MICROMICROFARAD n. the trillionth part of a farad.
NEUROFIBRILLARYneurofibrillary adj. Of or pertaining to a neurofibril.
OVERFORWARDNESSoverforwardness n. The quality of being overforward.
OVERFORWARD n. excessively forward.
PERFLUOROCARBONperfluorocarbon n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound formally derived from a hydrocarbon by replacing each hydrogen atom…
PERFLUOROCARBON n. an organic compound in which much of the hydrogen has been replaced by fluorine.
PREPERFORMANCESpreperformances n. Plural of preperformance.
REFRACTOMETRIESrefractometries n. Plural of refractometry.
REFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by refractometer.
REFRIGERATORIESrefrigeratories n. Plural of refrigeratory.
REFRIGERATORY n. a refrigerator; a chamber in which ice is formed.
STRAIGHTFORWARDstraightforward adj. Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating.
straightforward adj. Easy, simple, uncomplicated, without difficulty.
straightforward adj. (Figurative) direct; forthright; frank; sincere.
TETRAHYDROFURANtetrahydrofuran n. (Organic chemistry) A heterocyclic ether having a five-membered ring with four carbon atoms and one…
TETRAHYDROFURAN n. a flammable liquid ether derived from furan and used as a solvent and as an intermediate in organic synthesis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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